CST.MEDIA presents a new gritty, fantasy graphic novel...War of Faith Book One.

CST.MEDIA presents a new gritty, fantasy graphic novel...War of Faith Book One.
Which side do you choose?
The Archangel Haniel descends to Earth to persuade the fallen Archangel Michael, born to human parents, to stop the Satans - a cabal of fallen angels – from claiming victory in their war of opposing faiths. One faith is based on love and compassion, which follows the “Word” of the All-Father. The other faith follows the “Contradiction” in which hate and selfishness is divine as it’s the product of free will, the first gift of the All-Father. For the All-Father has decreed that the most souls collected by either faith shall rule the Heavens as Earth is a spiritual rehab for fallen angels. Will Haniel fulfill her task with the help of an Archangel who has lost his own faith?
James Spears, the leader of the Satans and the architect of the strategy to finally win the war against the Archangels.
Mikhail aka The Archangel Michael once again is thrust into the battle for
the heavens but can he win without his faith?
Joy aka The Archangel Haniel must gain the trust and powers of a faithless
angel to win the War of Faith. A woman’s work is never done!
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